Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

Yeah, I’m in no rush to guilty anything, I’m still thinking this through. We will get 24 hours :wink:

WHEN THE MODS FUCKING START THE TRIAL. (No offence to your lovely people :slight_smile: )

so you agree to pardon Noz until Jammy arrives

I need a mod to answer this: Assuming Noz and Simon are both cult, and we executed Wolfy, would the game stalemate detect, or could the cult then go on to convert Jammy, and we all win happily ever after? Or, does the stalemate detector triggering still count as Jammy living to the end of the game, because she didn’t actually die? Because what I do next is dependent on if either of those is true.

Yoohoo! Mods!

@Ami is on trial

@Ashe the game would continue until all Cult or BD are gone

Bout time.

Okey dokes, in that case, hella /pardon
We vote wolfy, and assuming I’m right, noz and simon be cool and convert jammy, everybody wins. Assuming I’m wrong and it’s devout king, it’s gg probably ;D

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Man, I’m going to miss being neutral and making these conversion requests :stuck_out_tongue: I would like to mention that is breaking the rules and will be met with a evil fade

Never get on the wrong side of the edgelord :stuck_out_tongue:

But I’m neutral, and I’m not asking for myself to be converted. :wink:

this is not helping your case

As a merc, as long as my target can win it’s all chill, right? That’s where my allegiance is so as long as the conversion gets that, it’s okay to request as such? Or am I wrong :open_mouth:

this is a rule even as neutral you can’t ask to be converted

I was sure I remembered someone mentioning otherwise. Sorry then D:

@Simon Its time to save my butt :stuck_out_tongue:

/guilty noz’s butt
/pardon everything else (of Noz)

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SO pardon me?

(yes, I bolded the actual action one)