Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

r00d. You make it seem like that it was my fault for our loss. I had to get rid of Orange that point to try and make it look like I was BD in the first place. Not only that, the fact he made a stupid idea that made him suspicious would have caused him to be executed anyway

Dude even with that we never stood a chance lel

Wasn’t blaming you. Your best hope was getting jammy killed Tbh

You should have mislynched noz, so he couldn’t detect you and leave sketch as an occupy target, so Simon might block him so you could convert

Yeah honestly I wouldn’t call that Cult loss anybody’s “fault”

We only got as far as we did by pulling some MASSIVE risks

I honestly could not believe that any of them worked, much less all of them up until Wolfy became King and I couldn’t convince you all to not RB me for one night ;(

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While this is fair, it would have been harder to do so, and leaving a Deputy alive doesn’t sound like a great idea. If he decided to go ahead and actually do something, that could have easily ended our game lol

Anyways Wolfy getting himself made King was a freaking blast to watch

Like wow that was exciting. Straight up MVP-level play there.

But he could have helped you as a cultist

Considering I was confirmed by you before I was converted, that gave me an advantage as Tech did say he wanted a confirmed bd person as King

Not really, considering despite confirming noz as maid the day before and blocking the cult leader, they still nearly lynched noz

New Milestone.

Most converted person in one game (from BD, to Cult, to King)

Having a smart BD King would have been awful though

Sketch was the only smart one

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I was hoping that we could have gotten rid of Simon first via lynch and then getting orange to convert Noz as I did protect him. Well, I say that and protected Ashe instead so that way he could have been a target for conversion and then we coud have lynched Jammy so the nuisance of the Mercenary would have been eliminated.

Also, where was my will in the end? I wanted that to be presented as I had a special mention.

You know what, lemme just go and get it from my messages since we’re done

A congratulations in order:

I wish to congratulate @Ashe, a newbie to this game, who has overcome all odds and won their first game at the same time as well as playing it. You have surpassed a few of the best players (me and Orange included), You were able to determine the lie of the electrocutioner which Orange introduced in order to prevent being a target. As well as that, you still were slightly wary of me as King. You had a bit of it right. I was an Evil King, but I was the “Devout King.” It shows to us that we need to learn from our experiences and take our steps further in order to try and win as evil roles which are difficult to win. Take this victory, and make sure to keep on trying and become one of the top players of FOL as well and perhaps, be the one to win as the Evil King for either the Unseen or Cult. I wish you the best, and hope I have a chance to play with you some more, and hope that some point, I can be your mercenary.



@Ashe is my star pupil :3



Not role

I know. I did originally change it, but there must have been a connection problem that stopped me from saving it when I was always drafting my wills

I think deputy, if it’s gonna kill, needs to prioritize better. Randomness sucks


Deputy no longer exists


That works I guess