Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)


Just stop please. We already know you’re fool

heres the deal
i say we give rope a chance, as its better that we kill an evil than a neutral
but he is on thin ice
if its better for us to kill a confirmed neutral, we kill him

My reasoning:
My SFoL 6 kingship

Woah no. The only people killing him are the prince and knight.

Reasoning from previous games don’t count for current games and should never be considered.

I’d prefer a Knight to prove themselves by Cold Steeling Rope tonight. We can let the Prince jail somebody else to gather more info. If Rope isn’t dead tomorrow, we don’t have any Knights.

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Why would I claim I visited PKR if I wasn’t, lmao.

Do you want me to make a defense for myself then?

But actually…

/vote insanity

im saying Nobody kills him
my reasoning was that it is entirely possible for a neutral class to stick with bd for the entire game
i did that, and ultimately caused the bd to win.

Now show me proof Rope is neutral.

and yes, if it at any point becomes more beneficial to kill a confirmed neutral, then we can have a knight/prince kill him
just not yet

hes fool

Is he?

Are you Princess? Did you investigate him?

He admitted to it when eevee prentended he was the maid in order to get rope to twell the truth

Eevee agrees with me
and rope even admitted to it himself

Both of you are missing the point – you only have his word he is the Fool. Nobody has hard, concrete evidence that he is or is not the Fool.

Do you always believe everything anyone says in these games? Because you shouldn’t.

He could be true scum and therefore needs to die tonight.


Fool has no reason to side with us, he is only an enemy to us.

And… at this point, I’ll say this: I’m not Sheriff :wink:


Meh, he is fool. I doubt he is anything else tbh.

Okay, I’m off. Push insanity as soon as he arives in thread.

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Prince should jail Moleland to get a claim.

/FoS Mole because I still think he was trying to get Sheriff executed and Prince to lose his executes the same night.