Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

Yare yare daze…

And what even though Mole is not sherrif but is still good and actually we let the fool get far in because we believe he’s sherrif?

I think we should leave Rope for a Knight to Cold Steel. It will save time for our Prince and help confirm a Knight down the road. Letting a confirmed Fool live for another day won’t be game losing if there are no Knights.

What thinks you, Wolf?

I would prefer that more. It might mean that we might get an unseen member this night rather than wasting an execute on the fool and potentially losing our prince to a kill while he’s executing the fool

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Sorry, but what does that mean?

Fool has no reason to side against us
there is no reason to say that any neutral (except mercenary, depending on the circumstances) is always for or against us

it stands for ‘Finger of Suspicion’
basically saying that you would vote someone, without actually voting them, for mechanical reasons

Thanks :smiley:

we could use that vote though
i think we should wait until we have more information

Fool can’t win in any other way then working with town tbh.

Neutrals nor Unseen don’t have enough voting power to hang him anyway.

I added a bi tof pressure onto insanity as eevee asked him a question.

And if eevee is telling the truth this time, that means he was the one that killed ran


and no, i dont believe everything anyone says
just i know that, if a lot of people are saying something that they could be lying about, the more people saying it, the higher likely-hood that it is true


In any other circumstance I might agree with you. But the Fool’s main goal is to be executed.

Sure, he can side with us until we decide to Lynch him. But it seems an odd tactic, don’t you think?

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I actually said Rope was fool - I was right. But Me continuing to claim Sheriff when I wasn’t is not Pro-Bd. I’d rather fool was jailed and executed to stop them Rbing tonight

at this point 4 people have said Rope is fool
that means that at least one of those people is not unseen
of course this could still be a cult game


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/vote sketch

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you’re not helping yourself by acting like that
show how you could be useful

But he has no reason to help us. Could go Rbing me out of spite for example