Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

That’s true, but still, even if he isn;t assassin and he may have a day ability, it will fail to work

eevee caught him with me visiting Ryan while I used magical barrier on him. Therefore, insanity is Unseen or NK

you didnt need to say that little tidbit revealing your role btw
it just hurts you
just do it and if he poisons himself then oh well

There we go. Consdier me dead or converted. It was a privilage to take down a bad guy along the way, so it would be niceif someone could try and protect me potentially. If not…

Good luck from this point I guess as I outed myself

I did it ages ago after the comment of “after 2 months away and you still couldn’t act”, it made me suspicious of him.

Can we just vote him up now as actually, there’s no way he can get a better defence than me?

we wait for him to give a defense
then we kill him

So far I’m suspicious of Sketch a great deal. Might be worth checking him out too.

So many sus people on the radar and you suspect me after I pointed out you lied about your role and had absolutely no reason to CC? Your credibility is surely less than mine.



I didn’t visit him…

Just keep digging at the moment, I think I know why you are being so hostile, but just keep digging.

  1. I can’t provide any evidence because I was jailed last night

You retracted your own claim despite knowing a Maid check would prove you to be legit. I was so confident you were fool, I hoped I wouldn’t be checked

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I retracted my claim because I realized I might have been about to be poisoned.

I reclaimed because I didn’t want a knight to die because he tried cold steeling me.

The real killer to look for is moleland for CCing sheriff even though he isn’t one and insanity based on wolfy’s claim

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Yes you did.

I actually believe Rope could be the Sheriff now, especially after how hard Mole is pushing him. If Mole retracts his Sheriff claim, Rope has no CC’s.

As idiotic as panic claiming Fool as Sheriff may be, there are no CC’s to this Sheriff claim. And a Sheriff claim is the real Sheriff unless otherwise CC’d.

The issue I have with Moleland is that he isn’t Sheriff, but he somehow believed Rope was Fool, and decided to CC Sheriff.

No BD would randomly CC a Sheriff if they aren’t Sheriff. Mole is probably lying and is Sheriff. If he truly is, he would do well to just tell us and let Protectives stay on him since it’s early in the game.

@Insanity If that is gonna be your defense, your gonna hang.


I trust Eevee

/Vote Insanity
Also, I should still be protected. I’ll reveal why a bit later. Not ready to recall my cat from the pigeons

unless the actual sheriff doesnt want to out themself

In my opinion, anyone who believes Rope is actually Sheriff is scum IMO