Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

Insanity the Prince

N1: Jailed Rope, Claimed sheriff… Must be fool. Or not…

is that sarcasm

No, it’s not. And I’m cringing even more cause I knew I made mistake after first Insanity reaction, hence the dewagon… Fuuuuuuu.

Someone should try to kill me for my gambits.

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I am talking to insanity

Hey. Wanna know the full story?

I’m actualy really a maid and I checked him and got killer type. I thought that I might risk it cause nk and assassin on lose.

The point in calling out that 2 people visited someone and ge was one of them was for killer to claim he was… Butler or sth like that and I would easily lynch him cause he is killer type.

I want to thank Wolfy for jumping on and claiming 2nd person even tho it was only bait.
I want to thank myself for not defusing it fully after Insanities reaction.

I want to kill myself now.


So, Insanity is innocent then?


Hey, at least the saying stays.

Either I make my faction win or lose heavily.

I prefer the first one tho.

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That was the post wich convinced me to try to slowly defuse the whole thing.

I didnt want ti risk kings decide fate on prince after all ._.

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good job eevee

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Eh, not realy good, but I would have to claim killer type result anyway. It was meant to get bit mire cover if he reacted bit more, instead of 3 words.

I don’t think any of yoy would keep killer type result for yourself tbh with assassin and nk in game.

Im more mad at Wolfy claiming cause of it.
And more mad acuse I should have defused it instantly and not let prince claim so the whole plan actualy worked as it should.

Ok, you’re definitely Scum now. Thanks. Keep digging though maybe you’re out your team mates


/Vote Simon

how is any of what i said solid proof (not just reading into people because it is entirely possible that they always act that way) that rope is scum or that i am scum?

Moleland is acting even more suspicious now.

just stop
you are not helping your case at all by accusing again without any proof

I’ll see if anyone hops in with something new to say, why aren’t you scum? I got good reasons to think you are, why am I wrong?

innocent until proven guilty. don;'t accuse simon

tell me them

you’re not giving any reasons