Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

If my sarcastic tone wasn’t clear enough there, I’m not purposefully assigning you a pronoun or anything, it was a simple mistake

Mole that is a fake Exeggcute

The real one looks like this:

I’m Physician. I healed orange last night.

/execute dama
choo choo!

Until there’s a reason not to believe this claim, /un-execute

Simon, what are you saying

Btw, 5/8 exe’s on dama rn since I un-did mine

And for what reason is that?

I failed to put an image in the post (I’m on mobile right now)

Basically Dama, Orange has you on his scumlist and nobody disagrees, I’m kinda just going with the flow =P



I literally skip the whole thing and read my mentions only. Then I see big words about me on stand. So I claim

Well don’t do that. If you want to be spared, give us a reason to do so.

I’m home now and on PC where I can read things easier. So basically, almost everyone has claimed, while some soft claimed, and only Rogue hasn’t claim?

This post screams “give me towncred”, while still managing to seem somewhat scummy. While not enough to lynch you for on its own, it certainly doesn’t help that this is literally 25% of your in-game posts before being put on the stand.

This post, on the other hand, really pings me. Being in a different timezone does not prevent participation. Being busy does, but you can still contribute when nobody else is on easily. This is a poor excuse for poor play and screams scum trying to lie low.

To wrap that up with “confusion” over Rope (who was blatantly not Sheriff by that point) is even worse. I cannot see any BD motivation in this entire post.

The other two posts you made are, as far as I can tell, NAI, but the fact that the only posts of yours that are readable are certainly scummy is more than enough for me to lynch you.

I have to agree with orange here. You only started speaking now. Normally when you’re bd, you are someone that’s an active speaker. However, you haven’t been as active. This is screaming suspicious to me.

Also, I really don’t buy the physician claim. You only claimed it now while on stand. I would have preferred that you claim while you’re almost on trial, not on. Also, gut feeling we don’t have a physician

You saw insanity claim prince when he was close to being on trial actually. That’s why this is bothering me. If you were bd, you’d speak up soon as possible

cough cough



If he is going to be pardoned, I rather have the prince jail dama then, because really, he is screaming scum to me and orange right now, and normally, it takes me a while to agree with orange.

cough, u tell me to jail Rope, then Sketch, then rogue or Noz, and now dama…

Mod is going to be mad…

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