Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

Not investogatove. The power killer actually…

but yeah

@Wolfy - actualy the oposite. If he flips Acolyte that would mean that Rope was disguised (as Acolyte would be promoted to CL).

Rouge flipping Acolyte means that game is more complicated.

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Something’s really bothering me after that…

That rebound kill though…

@Insanit, if this execution does reveal Rogue to be a fool, execute Ashe!



(Read the post above )

I believe Acolyte is never meant to become the Cult leader though.

I played as cult before when this first happened, unless they changed it where acolyte does become Cult Leader, which means that if that’s the case, Ashe would have had to be converted


Oh my… I just had a thought.

What if Rope was Disgused as the Cult Leader and the Acolyte did change his class? That can mean one thing, we overlooked the possibility of the Cult having a healer, because of one death! If Rogue is acolyte, it woiuld mean that Ashe was Cult Lader from day 1, and the fact for one death means one thing in this case if there was diguised…

They had a healer!

We need to be extremly careful what we do here now. If this is guilty, I want Insanity to jail the “Merc” if this does happen to end up flipping Acolyte

A merc claim for cult would work.

The problem with your theory is Ashe is very new.

He (or is she?) doesn’t entirely understand the mechanics of the game yet.

That is true…

But I still rather have thios idea out there just in case

My point.

It will take an experienced player to know that he can just say he is a Merc.

I guess we’ll see once we have our flip

I mean acolyte would be promoted to cult leader now

So what is your plan, Wolfy? Jail the Merc if Rogue flips Acolyte ?

That sounds risky.

May sound risky, but it might also be a good idea. After all, if Ashe was the Cult Leader and managed to make that kill seem like a rebound, then the Healer won’t be able to do anything, which means that there will be no conversion this night.

The only thing to ask is, who could the healer be if that was the case?

So far, no one has been that scummy. But then again, there are a lot of experienced players here.

Who was healed? Where is this idea coming from?

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The idea is we thought Rope is fool. If he was fool and did Rogue flips Acolyte, then obviously, Ashe’s rebound claim no longer holds water, as healer stops a death of a cult for being used as a sacrifice.

As for who was healed or anything, not sure. Need to check the class lists to see what we could have had and what becomes them.

Also, still not 100% sure if Acolyte becomes Cult Leader or not…

@Queen_Alfa, would the Acolyte become Cult Leader if Cult Leader died? I guess we never knew the answer to this because of the other time a game like this was used where Cult Leader survived