Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

Hmm… Couldn’t seeker have redirected simon to block noz?

If @Simon confirms redirect, I’m going to assume Noz may be telling the truth. However, it is also possible that Simon was redirected to blocking the King (FOL King is not Occupy immune for some reason I think?!) In which case, I’d like to lynch Sketch today - claim pending.

The king is occupy immune due to their guards (lore reason more than anything)

Day 4 means king is able to be voted now

OK. Simon could have been redirected. We’ll see

Slept peacefully. Sorry I’m late.

So cult made a kill without raising their numbers… Interesting play there.

But after this, we need to consider of tech is evil king because he didn’t protect king…

He is evil cause he didn’t protect himself

You didn’t use your thing on me? That’s good.

I guess you’re gonna use it on Ashe?


I never said anything about him protecting himself

Tech is evil cause he didn’t protect king lel

Tech’s king though…


You said this.


(body is clear)

(I am not king :frowning: , sorry for posting from the dead :slight_smile: )

(I’ll let it slip, post again and I’ll ban you ;D)

/vote Nozbugz

Although, I do want to know what Orange claims.

Unsure why insanity did not update his journal but oh well

/vote Noz

I’m confusing seeker with invoker, ignore what I said. I think we can now conclude that there was no psychic and the only cult left is the cult leader.