Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

I’m not sus of Orange, I am sus of Sketch.
/vote Sketch

@Ashe how do you feel about contracting me? At the very least that will keep me alive through finding the probable NK.

Normally I’d suggest Sketch in this scenario, but his own claim is pretty suspect tbh lol

In the meantime I’m back to /vote NozBugz, unless he uses his day ability on Sketch and finds him to not be what he says he is

Wait is Deputy a killing class?


Deputy is a Killer class, yes.


Okay I figured out what to have Noz do

@Ami use your day ability on JammySplodge and tell us what you find out.


So Simon is Butler, and Orange is Phys? If that’s the case, I’ll go with Orange so there can be a “protection chain” if you will.

Jammy is an investgative.


Alright, this proves absolutely nothing. But that is the beauty of the trap.

See, if Noz were evil, he’s know that telling us the truth about Jammy’s claim would narrow down the suspect pool considerably, so he’d consider his actions vety carefully. It was a lose-lose for Scum!Noz, but completely NAI for Town!Noz.

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In the meantime, it seems to me that Sketch as a NK would make some sense. I’ve been whiteknighting him on the Cult front, but I’d rather lynch Sketch and RB Noz than the opposite right now. @Sketch is this agreeable to you? You yourself have said that your class isn’t even worth doing anything with.

I’m fine with being lynched.

Has Ashe been confirmed by Mole already by the way? She could have been an NK “rebounding” the Fool the entire time. The computer game notifies you if a merc guards your room. Did Mole ever mention it?

70% Noz
20% Orange
10% Ashe

I guarded him twice, I believe he mentioned it.

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Why wouldn’t an NK kill last night if it was going to be obvious one exists at this point?

Is NK actually doing a no-kill gambit?

What if there is no nk, and just more cult? It’s a possibility, right?

By the way, I’ll be choosing my contract once everyone has checked in, and right now I think I’ll end up contracting Simon.


Slept peacefully?

For some reason, I got occupied when I became king…

Never mind. I slept peacefully 100%

And Ashe, I believe you should contract either the physician/observer claims. They can be useful to the cult so I would say prevent the observer becoming a seeker


are you sure

Plex forgot I was King