Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

Who am I rbing?

idfk, maybe me? (jk plz don’t kill me)
@Ashe Do sumthin i dunno
@Wolfy Guard Jammy
@NozBugz Do sum thin i dunnno
@Simon RB me or Ashe.

I guess I’ll WIFOM it then

I’ve got nothing left to do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But as a merc, whoever is the winning team make sure Jammy wins with you ;D

@Moleland @_AfterTech The Cooldown was removed, now, back the grave with you!


I need to /vote execute

@orangeandblack5 was voted to be executed for Treason! He was the Cult Leader!

He left no journal!

Night 7 Begins…


Day 8 Begins and no one died. Now go kill each-other like the Friends you all are :slight_smile:


Was occupied. Simion is for sure inno.

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I’m happy that I was right that there were still cult, but at the same time a bit concerned of where that leaves us. I honestly have no idea who’s who in this situation, so unless anyone has an idea on who to vote, I’m just gonna chill.

/vote Wolfy He is honestly at the top of my suspect list. The remaining non king people have their class confirmed, this is honestly the best move that we have right now. If this makes me sus then so be it.


I have done what has been expected of me whole time as King and the Court Wizard. The only thing I know hate is that ice wards are no longer confirmable unless the person was attacked. If I used my ward on Ryan night 1 when he was killed, that would confirm me. But honestly, noz is more on my list, because the fact when Jammy said she was observer, it was easy to claim Maid. Not only that, no one is confirmable anymore, as Noz could have got his ability back to make it look like BD. Therefore…

/vote Noz

Your the last idea I have. I think your getting abit too defensive, cmon people, vote Wolfy

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No. Just making the point there where people do have to remember the fact no one is easily confirmable.

Also, the fact that when I pointed out that you used your day ability to find out Jammy’s class as “invetsigative,” she already told us. Hence me suspecting you. Even Sketch picked that up and made that point before we executed him

Also, pretty sure it was you who suggested the Sketch lynch

Correct. I didn’t suspect orange at the time. I will admit that screwed up there.

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Uh huh…

I think we all screwed up at that point. Would have actually been helpful if sketch did actually do something as well

The most blame should lie with me since I started it.

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