Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

Noz won us the game tbf. Jammy somehow forgot that Noz was confirmed Maid for example

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Noz was a hero, agreed.

I was sweating pretty badly at the end there…:joy:

I confirmed Noz as maid :confused:

it was just always possible that he was converted because that’s how it works

Then why was I on the stand?


But that’s too much reward without risk. My idea would mean it did the following…


Neutral Killers
Mastermind/Devout King/Unseen King/Cult Leader/Acolyte
Cowardly King/Mad King
Good King
Unseen/Cult Support
Court Wizard/Physician
Unseen/Cult investigative
Unseen/Cult Social

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Converted the night the Cult Leader was occupied? After putting forward evidence that Orange was Cult leader? After saying Simon didn’t match him? The only person you could have thought was cult was ashe or Wolf

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I asked myself this

Yeah. These types of games restore my faith in humanity.

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Or what if we let it die

Crusader is a bad idea

Killing based on priority is iffy at best, Marshall is better all in all

I don’t mourn it, no. Hopefully the rolecards will be tidied up so Cult abilities are more easily found lol

Nah. They will never be tidied up Mole. I like the games with the Cult points. Not gonna lie, it would be fun if there was a chance for something with the Cult point idea implemented into the game.

I meant like have possible Cult alts listed on the cards

They are on the cards though

On the BD section, not in Cult

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Oh yeah. I saw it now.

Also Mole, why didn’t you stand where I was standing and used your smite ability on me? I was hoping that you would have. Sorta was trying to softly hint it to you the best I could by mentioning about it

Hmm? When?

I can’t find it anymore. I’m sure I mentioned that you had the Smite ability some point there

Why would I smite when I had a confirmed merc?

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I mean use it on me.

If I was targeted and I was converted, you killed the Cult Leader. I think the only reason he went for me was because I used both my ice wards

I was more concerned with not having a converted butler. Also, thought cult was dead at the time. Also Simon and you talked nonsense all game