Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

also, even if we could whisper, theres no way im claiming to an un-confirmed sheriff day 1

This is my first game. I was certain I saw that we could whisper:

It had said “You must message a moderator if you want to whisper”

I didn’t think that moleland would CC me, because counter claiming the sheriff is stupid

All games have never used a whisper. There are classes that allow that, but otherwise, there is none

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I am new to forum matches, I thought we messaged moderator saying who to whisper to along with the message in this box:

This box

In any case, don’t execute moleland. Prince needs to get them because I am pretty sure they are either fool. Otherwise, they are unseen pretending to be fool.

You aren’t Sheriff, what are you?

/unvote moleland

i dont care if mole CCd you
i still wouldnt claim to an un-confirmed sheriff day 1

I am sheriff. I never unclaimed sheriff, because I AM SHERIFF.

Yeah, you ain’t BD. Nice try Fool.

im pretty sure neither of you are bd

Then what is what?

You are both fools acussing each other.
I’m fool as well.

Actualy the whole game has 7 fools since the very begining. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Impossible - You had no involvement in the Class list Rolling :stuck_out_tongue:

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or both are evil trying to gain credibility
being a trusted sheriff might be worth the loss of an alli

Do you think that’s probable?

So lets do it the easy way.

I’m maid. I can confirm one of you easily.
Any of you want to back of from his claim with semi-reliable reason now?

Using Comparision, aye?

Using day ability wich tells me your class type.

Sheriff is investigative of course.