Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

Inactivity is not indicative of alignment most of the time, I’d be more cautious than to assume that scum are in the inactives

Hell, that can hurt town a lot when all of the scum are actually active and can push wagons on inactives day after day

Not gonna lie, I was about to do my own lists and thought exactly the same as you. Who thought two months break would do some good?! :smiley_cat:

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Hey, you never know what’ll help in this game lol

Two votes is hardly pushing for inactives.

We are just trying to get Dama to talk.

I know that. As soon as I said that, I wanted to scold myself as I’'m the one that often says don’t angleshoot.

This point on the other hand rather, is just I want more discussion. These three have been quiet so I think it would have been time to actually get them involved in the discussion by little pressure on them.

Damn, turning into Chubby

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I know lol

I’m merely cautioning against pushing a wagon

Pressure votes are 11/10

You mind putting one on Ashe for us then please Orange?

And I’m pretty sure fright should be prodded soon, so we’ll leave them be for now

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Sure lol

/vote Ashe

You seem way too lax in your posts on the Rope v Mole discussion, almost as if you know something they don’t. I dislike it. More activity would be useful to convince me otherwise, if you wish.


i can roleblock rope


Oh… We made a massive mistake here. You’re not mercenary, are you?


figured i could leave it quiet for a bit though

please dont give huge clue about my role/outright claim it
id like to keep it a bit hush hush


I think it’s a little obvious, Simon :joy:

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There a few that I can think of which you could be, but I think I know what you’re likely to be. Also, how do we know that you will definetly go for Rope if Prince doesn’t jail him?

how could you know that for anyone?
you just have to trust me

also wolfy, you didnt happen to prevent my action last night, did you?

Nope. I promise you I haven’t

because i attempted (and failed) to role block Robe

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…this info could have been useful a lot earlier