Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

Why am i scum?

The good news is that you are weak scum.

Weak scum is still scum. Id like to know why

I have been rather afk i guess, that could be why.

Well, for all we know, you could be the Devout King.

Brilliant news for Cult. Bad news for the rest of us.

But only you know that.

Hey man, I’m a cool person. =P

Hey man. Gimme a sec to finish reading through then I’ll explain myself.

Good luck reading through all that.

Ah, one of the silent has returned to us.

True, but i can tell you know im not the devout king.
Whether you believe me is up to you i guess ¯_(ツ)_/¯

The institution here.
How can I possibly know what only you know?

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Alright now that I finished reading through those, I guess I’ll reveal. I’m a mercenary, and I didn’t want to reveal anything because until now I wasn’t sure which side I was on, but I’d rather reveal then get killed :wink: (Btw, I didn’t guard last night so i don’t think my target knows who they are)


Also, should I be revealing my target or no? I’m not sure whether that helps or hurts them.

Depends I guess

Up to you.
But rebound can be quite nasty.

Hmmm… I think I will because it could help in this case. My target is Moleland and there is a certain Fool that may have accused him of treason already :wink:

ninja edit: may as well add that’s what orange was seeing in the discussion about me knowing something that they didn’t :smiley:

This is … perfect.

Holy shit.

You have no idea how perfect this is.

You kill Rope and we lose nothing!


Better yet, I confirm my allegiance to the BD and don’t get executed =P


Cult is screwed :stuck_out_tongue: