Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

Nope. It’s protection right now

Alfa told us about it yesterday. Essentially, if I blocked someone, they can still do their actions, they just get protected from death/conversion essentially

ice ward stops all visits, like a merc’s protect ._.

Say what now!!! This is totally different to what you said yesterday…

Not different. By protect I mean prevents all visits

I’m just gonna leave for a while, and scream and clear my head up. And then reread everything to see if that works because my autistic brain is not functioning right now it seems


I forgot Ashe can confirm by guarding Mole tonight.

So we’re trading a Prince execute for a Paladin check…

No, we’re trading a little more. We’re also losing Ashe’s 1 time Rebound. Rarely does BD get to use that 1 time ability for good use. It feels like a waste not to use it because nobody will vote Moleland up anymore from here on out.

Additionally, and I hate to say this because it sounds scummy but it’s true – Rope COULD be Sheriff. Even though Rope is extremely foolish, he’s one of those players that “think on a different level” and claim the whole “why didn’t you all understand what I was trying to do?” thing. I’m not forgetting that it is still Rope’s word vs. Moleland’s and nobody has investigative evidence to prove otherwise. Rope is astronomically more scummy, of course. Letting Merc mitigate the game-losing risk (losing both power roles in one night) is preferable.

facepaws and shakes my head

Do we really need to go back and then show you all the quotes that said he was sherrif, then admitting being a fool and then change back to sherrif that way? I real sherrif would not back down from a princess day time ability, and he backed away from it

Also, he kept on contradicting about how lethal the poison was

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Ah, I think I understand what you mean now. So it prevents the visits for the person ice warded, but the ice warded person can still visit?

Yup! Just like Merc’s protect.

But that’s what I meant by what I said earlier…

Unless I phrased it crappy

Yeah, my statement was essentially what I said now and you just confirmed it, so crappy phrasing it was then

That’s very true.

I’m putting it on a 96% chance he’s Fool and 4% chance BD loses the game. But again, I really want Merc to use that Rebound.

Think of it this way – we have this killing resource we can only use tonight and if we don’t use it now we lose it. We have Protectives alive to guard Moleland even without Merc, so Ashe is free to Rebound.

A banking investor would jump through a hoop made of his own kidneys for this kind of deal.

Merc can keep rebound as a cult member though. Just thought to point that out to you

I say just let the merc protect Mole tonight and I protect merc

They do? The ability remains the same, right?


Therefore, we don’t know even if the Merc has been converted, but it’s best to keep them alive for now

So a Cult merc can’t guard their target, correct?

Lemme just check the cards quickly