Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)


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Sweet, i’m happy enough with this.

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Come on!!! When can I be king?!?! Been waiting for so long :crying_cat_face:

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evil class confirmed :laughing:


H…Hey! I like BD classes!
In fact, I even said a few times before everything which makes me like a class!
It doesn’t include starting as evil!

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Okay mister cult leader I believe you



Protect me for freelo too

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Mole is MM confirmed. Vote immediately. Execute at all costs

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I believe you ate bd, lol. I have a hunch on a scum so protect me so I can investigate it properly

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Whoa! I didn’t eat the BD!
I’m not a cannibal and to my knowledge there’s none in the class cards! :frowning: I’m innocent…


U must be Unseen, I saw u being evil everytime…

Famine: Unseen
And Multiball: Unseen…
And you are the Unseen when I first time join FoL…

Hey! I normally roll BD and that’s a fact!
Just because people can’t keep their hands off me and avoid brainwashing me, isn’t my fault.

Also, I was Prince in the BH game!!


/sign up as backup

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All Hail King AfterTech!



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lies and slander

how do you know its a cult game

also, jesus insanity, fo easy on the likes

it almost like you’re insane or something

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The only people who were dead in one of the games and can confirm what I said i liked are hosting. Great…

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I don’t
it’s what I like to call a “joke”