You missed it. I didn’t claim it as such, but my descriptions should have given away my role
What might that be then? Sorry I’m a bit slow
Day abilities cant be used on trial
If I die, Dama is scum.
With no way to confirm Dama until off trial, that’s a /pardon from me. Once off stand, eevee can use day ability, and if scum after all, Insanity can jail and exe.
/pardon for now
If I die, dama is definitely scum since I called him out first. So of me, mole, eevee, essentially the power players doe, dama’s 100% scum
However, its up to tech. He cam still decide fate. However, of he does, don’t believe him to be evil for now as he claimed cowardly
We have 14 hours left…
I suggest prince jails dama. If there are two kills, confirms cult and dama is nk. If one kill, potentially cult game still if they have a healer. No kills, then we need to rethink this?
I’m fine with letting him be jailed and seeing if the NK kills. Although I’m not getting an NK-specific vibe from Dama, just a general scum vibe, I will be the first to admit that he could just as easily be NK as Cult. This means that if @Simon RB’s Jammy, we have a really high likelihood of RBing the NK.
Okay orange explain to me why you want to Occupy the NK when the leading theory is that the NK is a Paranoid
Do they autokill the RBer like a SK? I honestly haven’t read the card.
On that note, can we like stop with the random NK roles? We already had way to many non-ToL ones before adding even more.
They can do a veteran
We’ve stopped adding NKs now we just added the last two because of the contest
Oh. Well, if they do their identity becomes really obvious.
Also, they aren’t on the class card thread, so how am I supposed to know?
The “clean with no talking” thread is the actually up to date one
oh I forgot about that one
Let me bookmark that and unbookmark the old one real quick
We added the Druid too??? jfc
And a Crusader clone? meh
Why not add Marshall instead tbh
It’s not quite crusader I had Plex make a priority order thing