Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

Indeed. As well as that, you were confirmed as BD long before by eevee’s compatibility before he was converted, so you’re safe in that aspect. So in this case, it’s Polik.

Time to have him on the stand.

@_AfterTech Do not use your royal finger as we have the votes that Polik needs to go on the stand right now

Hmm… still feel it could be Orange

It absolutely could be. But I’m leaning much harder towards Polik personally.

If we mislynch, we can still have Simon block Orange and Wolfy can ice ward me or Noz from conversion just in case.

Nope. Cannot do that I’m afraid. Used both my wards on Ashe

So Mole may have one of his blessings left, but if we mislynch and it does turn out to be Orange, the Mole had to go WIFOM and use his Smite ability.

The ones likely to be converted during the night:


Mole will have to a thinking game and try to intercept Orange if it is him

Does anybody know what class Jammy is?

That explains it lol

Who cares, copped green

Simon should still murder AfterTech tbh

The game will end if he’s Cowardly instead of Devout

I think you still need a king to be placed after if there is a natural killer class, but I doubt this is the case since “fool(?)” is dead, demon’s dead, we have a merc and an alchemist. So yeah…

Must be it after.

Butler’s poison is a day ability and it takes 2 days to kill. He can still use his night ability to roleblock.

Wait what lol

That’s super helpful tbh

The Butler
Blue Dragon Offensive

Dutiful (Passive) - Immune to being occupied at night
Nightshade Wine (Day) - After 3 days you can poison The King, causing him to die in two nights if not healed by a Physician. If the King is Good, Cowardly or Fanatic king, you will also die
Serve Wine (Night) - Occupy a player at night - Infinite uses
Concentrated Wine (Night) - Get a player so drunk that they cannot use their day ability - Infinite use
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, The Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you


Wait a minute…

Are you high right now? Cult leader has a one day cool down, not two. This case, it means that they could have converted!

Where an earth did you get a two day cooldown from then?

Are you high?

I think he just means “every 2 days they can convert”.

Read the Cult Leader card then.

It says a one day cooldown!

… you wot mate?

That means a two day cool down then!