Forum of Lies Neutral Creation Competition

still the same line of logic

both are shitty logical paths but if you think that politician’s slankvig is bad becasue people might tinfoil one in the game and that wouldn’t even out the specific player anyways


Slankvig isn’t a good thing to begin with tbh. In addition, it would likely cause alot of filler as people wouldn’t want to get shot.

I think we’d want to relegate more of the discussion to a different thread, but whatever


Oh wow killing people based upon their amount of talking sure is a great thing! It’s not like it encourages people to just post filler, rather then posting actual discussions!

ur acting like people would discuss game-relevant things less with slankvig

maybe, but it also encourages ppl to at least be on and post something, and 20 posts of filler(and i’d be inclined to say at least some of these would be good) is far better then 3 posts of “oh i’ll read later yadda yadda”

this however is true intellectual dishonesty as if someone was going to reach the limit normally they wouldn’t post filler because they wouldn’t have to, and would do what they normally do. and if they don’t post anything anyways this either punishes them for that or forces them to post at least something that can be read.

Rarely there a players who don’t post often

that’s inheretly untrue

i can pull up 10 games and i bet you on average 2+ people will have posted less than 20 posts on day 1

day 1 is joke tbh. No results no reason to talk. I’m talking about FoL. I don’t post d1 because there really is no reason to

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Scum reading isn’t so good that you can read d1.

hard disagree

this is “Forum” of lies. and while it has ToL aspects it has an entire social(forum mafia) aspect and the game isn’t just entirely focused on mechanics.

and i bet you there are still slots that lowpost d2.

I’m talking of FoL. I post like 10 times d1. Then post like 98 times d2

so like do you think it would be a bad idea if a hunter bled someone that they were so very confident in being scum because of D1 reads.

social play is how so much of the game is played.

a LOT of forum mafia games have either no power roles at all of very minimal ones, and the game relies on reads.

and posting is how that happens, and a lack of that directly hurts the game for basically everyone involved.

and politician is a solution to that problem

Yes I murdered orange due to scum reading

He was bd

i murdered vulgard due to scum read 30 mins into d1 from reads

nailed the cult leader

and caught the convert also with reads

Still it’s not great to have a slackvig as it is way better to read off votes