Forum of Lies Neutral Creation Competition

Plz be Headhunter :sunglasses:

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/imperial ballista Amelia

Our winner is…


The Lying Darkness :shield: :crossed_swords:

In Rokugan, name and history is everything. A samurai is defined by their family and clan. Their deeds only matter in the context of how they effect those ideals. The Lying Darkness strips all that away, leaving the samurai with nothing.
Neutral Special
“Seven Thunders entered the Shadowlands. One returned.”
Named, not Tamed (Passive) - At the start of the game, it will be publicly informed that “Akodo is watching your every step, from all clans alike”.
Faceless (Passive) - You will appear as a member of the Blue Dragon to investigative checks. You will appear as an informed minority lost wolf (random class of that faction from the GI thread with a lost wolf modifier) to investigative checks from the informed minority/informed minorities.
Shadow Corruption (Passive) - You know the effects of the Shadow Corruption, who is Shadow Corrupted and the degree of Shadow Corruption they possess at all times. The Shadow Corruption has three degrees. If someone already has the Shadow Corruption, they will gain a new degree every time an even day starts.
In the first degree, nothing happens. In the second degree, all abilities and passives they have will be disabled. In the third degree, they will die, their flip will be cleaned, and they will be prevented from joining the Dead Chat. You will be given their original rolecard, and any further rolecards they had throughout the game (if they were converted, for instance).
Aditionally, you are immune to the Shadow Corruption. Finally, if someone claims at least one of the following: flavor, class type, role type, ability/abilities; they will be Corrupted automatically.
The only people informed of being Corrupted are the ones who start the game Corrupted.
Dangerous Deal (Day) - Make an offer to a player. “Darkness wants to embrace you. If you accept, you will be [effect]. Be careful, though, that dealing with the Nothing is dangerous business. You have 24 hours to decide if you accept it or not. Do you accept?”
The following effects are disponible. Choose one to offer:
-Immune to attacks tonight
-Cleaned from all Bleeding
-Given an alignment peek
-Given a gun
-Aware from all feedback on you for the remainder of the day.
-Shown as a member of the uninformed majority to all checks tonight.
You will know whether they accepted, refused or did not answer to the request. If they accept, they will gain the benefit and one degree of the Shadow Corruption. If they refuse, they will not gain the benefit and the Shadow Corruption. If they don’t answer, they will not gain the benefit and will gain one degree of the Shadow Corruption.
If someone already has a degree of Corruption, you may give them more than one benefit in any subsequent Dangerous Deals. You can’t target anyone who is immune to the Corruption with this ability.
Direct Elimination (Night) - Select a player to kill. You can choose between one of the following effects: You can’t be seen by any trackers or watchers tonight, you will be bulletproof tonight, you can’t be roleblocked or redirected tonight, the target of the kill can’t be healed or protected tonight.
If they have claimed flavor, class type, role type, or ability/abilities, you can choose two effects instead of one.
Win Conditions: Only one of those need to be completed.
- All players are dead.
- All players but you are dead.
- All alive players possess the Shadow Corruption.
- All alive players but you possess the Shadow Corruption.
- Half of the game (rounded up) has claimed at least one of the following: flavor, class type, role type, ability/abilities.
When you win, everyone else loses, regardless if they have already completed their win condition. The game won’t end if you are still alive. You can win even if you are dead.


inb4 this isn’t an actual joke

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Great now we know when to not D1 massclaim

fol needs more anticlaim :^)

wait no its copypasted from the GI thread

for a sec i thought he was halfway serious

Because people won’t stop fucking claiming
We’ll end your fucking game

real winner

[cawwaww=bwack]the wnyeinw dawkneshsh[/cawwaww] :shhiewd: :cwawshshed_shwawwdsh:

in wawkuwan, name and hishtawwnye ish evewnyethinw. Da shamuwai ish defined bnye theiw famiwnye and cwan. Theiw deedsh awnwnye mattew in de cawntext awf haww thenye effect thawshe ideawsh. De wnyeinw dawkneshsh shtwipwsh aww that awanye, weavinw de shamuwai with nawthinw.
neutwaw shpweciaw
“sheven thundewsh entewed de shhadawwwandsh. Awne wetuwned.”
named, nawt tamed (pwashshive) - at de shtawt awf de wame, it wiww be pwubwicwnye infawwmed that “akawdaw ish watchinw nyeawuw evewnye shtepw, fwawm aww cwansh awike”.
faceweshsh (pwashshive) - yawu wiww apwpweaw ash da membew awf de bwue dwawawn taw inveshtiwative checksh. Yawu wiww apwpweaw ash dan infawwmed minawwitnye wawsht wawwf (wandawm cwashsh awf that factiawn fwawm de wi thwead with da wawsht wawwf mawdifiew) taw inveshtiwative checksh fwawm de infawwmed minawwitnye/infawwmed minawwitiesh.
shhadaww cawwwupwtiawn (pwashshive) - yawu knaww de effectsh awf de shhadaww cawwwupwtiawn, whaw ish shhadaww cawwwupwted and de dewwee awf shhadaww cawwwupwtiawn thenye pwawshsheshsh at aww timesh. De shhadaww cawwwupwtiawn hash thwee dewweesh. If shawmeawne awweadnye hash de shhadaww cawwwupwtiawn, thenye wiww wain da new dewwee evewnye time dan even danye shtawtsh.
in de fiwsht dewwee, nawthinw hapwpwensh. In de shecawnd dewwee, aww abiwitiesh and pwashshivesh thenye have wiww be dishabwed. In de thiwd dewwee, thenye wiww die, theiw fwipw wiww be cweaned, and thenye wiww be pwwevented fwawm jawininw de dead chat. Yawu wiww be wiven theiw awwiwinaw wawwecawd, and annye fuwthew wawwecawdsh thenye had thwawuwhawut de wame (if thenye wewe cawnvewted, faww inshtance).
aditiawnawwnye, nyeawu awe immune taw de shhadaww cawwwupwtiawn. Finawwnye, if shawmeawne cwaimsh at weasht awne awf de fawwwawwinw: fwavaww, cwashsh tnyepwe, wawwe tnyepwe, abiwitnye/abiwitiesh; thenye wiww be cawwwupwted autawmaticawwnye.
de awnwnye pweawpwwe infawwmed awf beinw cawwwupwted awe de awnesh whaw shtawt de wame cawwwupwted.
danwewawush deaw (danye) - make dan awffew taw da pwwanyeew. “dawkneshsh wantsh taw embwace nyeawu. If nyeawu accepwt, nyeawu wiww be [effect]. Be cawefuw, thawuwh, that deawinw with de nawthinw ish danwewawush bushineshsh. Yawu have 24 hawuwsh taw decide if nyeawu accepwt it aww nawt. Daw nyeawu accepwt?”
de fawwwawwinw effectsh awe dishpwawnibwe. Chawawshe awne taw awffew:
-immune taw attacksh tawniwht
-cweaned fwawm aww bweedinw
-wiven dan awiwnment pweek
-wiven da wun
-awawe fwawm aww feedback awn nyeawu faww de wemaindew awf de danye.
-shhawwn ash da membew awf de uninfawwmed majawwitnye taw aww checksh tawniwht.
yawu wiww knaww whethew thenye accepwted, wefushed aww did nawt anshwew taw de wequesht. If thenye accepwt, thenye wiww wain de benefit and awne dewwee awf de shhadaww cawwwupwtiawn. If thenye wefushe, thenye wiww nawt wain de benefit and de shhadaww cawwwupwtiawn. If thenye dawn’t anshwew, thenye wiww nawt wain de benefit and wiww wain awne dewwee awf de shhadaww cawwwupwtiawn.
if shawmeawne awweadnye hash da dewwee awf cawwwupwtiawn, nyeawu manye wive them mawwe than awne benefit in annye shubshequent danwewawush deawsh. Yawu can’t tawwet annyeawne whaw ish immune taw de cawwwupwtiawn with thish abiwitnye.
diwect ewiminatiawn (niwht) - shewect da pwwanyeew taw kiww. Yawu can chawawshe between awne awf de fawwwawwinw effectsh: yawu can’t be sheen bnye annye twackewsh aww watchewsh tawniwht, nyeawu wiww be buwwetpwwawawf tawniwht, nyeawu can’t be wawwebwawcked aww wediwected tawniwht, de tawwet awf de kiww can’t be heawed aww pwwawtected tawniwht.
if thenye have cwaimed fwavaww, cwashsh tnyepwe, wawwe tnyepwe, aww abiwitnye/abiwitiesh, nyeawu can chawawshe twaw effectsh inshtead awf awne.
win cawnditiawnsh: awnwnye awne awf thawshe need taw be cawmpwweted.
- aww pwwanyeewsh awe dead.
- aww pwwanyeewsh but nyeawu awe dead.
- aww awive pwwanyeewsh pwawshsheshsh de shhadaww cawwwupwtiawn.
- aww awive pwwanyeewsh but nyeawu pwawshsheshsh de shhadaww cawwwupwtiawn.
- hawf awf de wame (wawunded upw) hash cwaimed at weasht awne awf de fawwwawwinw: fwavaww, cwashsh tnyepwe, wawwe tnyepwe, abiwitnye/abiwitiesh.
when nyeawu win, evewnyeawne ewshe wawshesh, wewawdweshsh if thenye have awweadnye cawmpwweted theiw win cawnditiawn. De wame wawn’t end if nyeawu awe shtiww awive. Yawu can win even if nyeawu awe dead.


ok but now im in anticipation

gib winner

someone edit an owo onto the image so that I want to die more

announcement delayed as the drummer broke his hand and needed to be med evaced out

is that better?

That hurts

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when you roll a nat 1 on a performance check

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done poorly
but done


if it put any effort at all it would look better

but like

i didnt

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petition for geyde to make that his new PFP


Since dat is compiling everything
I’ll just talk about how we actually reviewed everything

Every member of the team that was not a contestant in the competition chose 3 classes they liked and we made pms with all of us in them for closer scrutiny. It didn’t go exactly as planned but it kind of worked.
We compiled the ones we liked after scrutiny then put them all together
Then we discussed which of them we liked at the end
Then we made balancing changes
And now we’re here


How it actually turned out:

I tried to make a schedule which was completely ignored for the most part
We then proceeded to sort of follow the 3 class thing, but Alice was added to one of the PMs which was :eyes:
Then I ranted, a lot
Then we compiled everything and made balance changes
Then we got here