Forum of Lies Neutral Creation Competition

The Revolutionary

Neutral Special

Bodyguard (Passive) - You are immune to death at night once.
Political Campaign (Day) - If an election for a new King is held tomorrow, votes to become King will count as two for you. - 2 uses
Regicide (Night) - Assassinate the King, you will also die bypassing everything. - 1 use
Besmirch (Night) - If an election for a new King is held tomorrow, Royal Blood will be disabled. - 1 use
Your objective is to ensure that a King of a different alignment than the starting King is elected.

Also @DatBird do we also need to make King versions for the Neuts?

The Baron

Neutral Offensive

Apparent Corruption (Passive) - You appear as a member of the enemy faction to investigative abilities, alongside appearing to visit a random player who died each night.
High Profile Target (Passive) - If you die at night, all players not aligned with the Blue Dragon regain one use in all limited use abilities (if any), alongside appearing as Blue Dragon to faction checking abilities that night. If you are executed during the day, all investigative abilities will receive no results the following night. You count as a member of the Blue Dragon for the purposes of abilities that have guilt. If you are targeted for an otherwise successful conversion, you will become the Aristocrat / Apostle depending on the game.

Plead (Day) - If the target player is either the neutral killer or a member of the enemy faction, they will be offered a deal. If they accept, then you cannot be killed tonight by them. At the start of the next day, they will learn your identity. If they deny, nothing will happen. - Infintie Uses

Bribe (Night) - Target a player. Their vote will secretly not count against you the following day. Cannot target the same player twice. - Infinite Uses
Backroom Dealing (Night) - Disable your Apparent Corruption passive for tonight. You will appear to visit a random player tonight. - 2 Uses

Make sure the Unseen or Cult, and the Neutral Killer are defeated at any cost.


I don’t get the point of this

reaction test

Why is it Neutral and not Blue Dragon is my question
There are so much specified things that occur naturally on the Blue Dragon’s side (conversion, wincondition) than things that occur naturally on neutral side (miller)
I like the class but why neutral

1 Like

How is this not just a BD

it is bd with downside enough that making it neut kinda works
it was an idea I cooked up after seeing outsiders in BotC

That’s what the class instantly reminded me of actually.
If only FoL had two neutral sub-sets… ‘Neutral Good Offensive’ ‘Neutral Evil Offensive’
Let’s make it happen

damn, i have a class idea but i don’t think i can submit :c

The Cleric

Neutral Support
Sanctuary (Passive) - Any one visiting you will be healed.
Vulnerable (Passive) - Any attacks against you are guaranteed to succeed.
Strengthen (Day) - Any one visiting you tonight will also receive immunity to death tonight. [3 Uses]
Rejuvenate (Night) - Any visitors tonight will also be guaranteed to visit their target tomorrow night as well as being healed. [3 Uses]
Sacrifice (Night) - All visitors tonight will have visits to them prevented tonight. If any of them are visited by an attacker, the attacker will be redirected to you, bypassing immunity. [1 Use]
Goal: See the defeat of the Unseen/Cult at any cost.

What are the NK winrates again?

100% if it’s me usually like 5% for the plebs

Does it need to be increased

NK should win about 10-15% of the time imo. Idk what everyone else stance is on it.

15% is a lot actually

10 percent feels like a basically acceptable number for FoL, 15 percent feels like a basically acceptable number for ToL

Wait why has nobody roasted my classes yet?

Send it to me and I’ll submit it for you :slight_smile:


5 is lower than 1/18, which feels incorrect