Forum of Lies Neutral Creation Competition

also this wincon seems fairly easy

do something super wolfy

breadcrumb that it’s a reactiontest

be like ‘okay guys it was a reactiontest and here are my softs, also I’m [mechconfirmable class]’

convince people to give you a night to prove yourself



I find it fun

Probably way too easy

i mean 1/3 d1 is 6/10 votes needed to execute

might be too easy but i mean there’s heavy incentive to lynch it and people doing what arete just said could give suspicion of sociopath

i could do “get to l-X but not executed”

but at that point anyone at l-X would just be policy lynched after hitting that

that’s not heavy incentive
not as much as lynching scum would

Although town might just follow through every lynch whenever they get to 1/3 of players just in case the player could be sociopath since the punishment is so bad

i mean for all alignments being taken into account.

and i mean not lynching it Might(?) be a cultseen strat and to kill it at night instead
but there’s always a chance they used manipulation

Scum probably don’t care if it gets lynched or not
Good if it is, good if it isn’t
Both mechanics are generally scumsided

Oh god yes!!!


Never too sick to make Neuts.


The Love Angel

Neutral Support
Passionate (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.
Shield of Love (Passive) - You are Death Immune once.
Arrow of Desire (Night) - Shoot target Player with an arrow, loverizing them with the next Player you shoot. - 4 uses
Undying Love (Night) - Both Lovers will be Death Immune tonight. - 2 uses, you must use Arrow of Desire before being able to use this again.
Your objective is to ensure that 2 of your Lovers remain alive until the end of the game.

If one of the Lovers visits the other, all other visits to them will be prevented. There can at most be 2 lovers at the same time. If one Lover dies, the other Lover will also die.

Okay maybe I am too sick to make Neuts, this took way too long.

Someone yell at me about how unbalanced this is.

Are you ok Jgoes?

I mean I feel like shit but I’m like 95% sure it’s not Corona.

So uh… probably?

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Just take care for yourself please :heart:

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I submit ToS Arsonist…but no way that would ever win right @Icibalus???

hey druid was SLIGHTLY better than that

No NKs Hippo.

it’s reference to the Old Times™

This is the ideal time to try that, Ici.

hey i’m too busy writing my story about space fungi having fights with lizardmen and writing dumb bastard games back off

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also an essay about David Lloyd George and also doing my maths homework