Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

It’s fine, just ask blue if you have questions

General tol people are mean, Ill stick to staying here

I claim Face


I’ll just try to make myself look scum early and get mislynched like I almost did in the newbie hydra I guess

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Yas, give me Manager now!

I demand to be paid in fish.

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And with that, we have filled the game!

Roles will be, well, rolled and sent out ASAP, once everyone has received their cards then I will announce the start of D1!


I want fish tho, I recruited the last man

Gimme Cena

I have so many terrible jokes

Stop talk

@Nerbins you told me PKR was still in the game…guys blame nerbins for this one

Eh, I’ll just stay in to make things easier for y’all.
I was gonna unjoin but don’t wanna spoil the party


<3 PKR, sorry I lost my rag at you earlier, you just saved a whole lotta backtracking



Soon. Doing something for a game I’m hosting

@PokemonKidRyan sorry for getting angry at you, it was out of place.

how long you donk

I apologise too. I shouldn’t have gotten as annoyed as I had

All Class Cards should be sent out!

If you are missing a Class Card, please message me.

Otherwise, let the Lynch Phase of Day 1 begin! It will end in 48 hours or until a majority vote is reached.

P.S. Card Error - All Tweener classes are unique.

And of course, you have 36 hours to /confirm, either here or in your class cards. After 24 hours of the 36 have elapsed, you will be pinged, after 12 further hours, you will be /replace outed.