Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

Also i jebaited scum last night, i didn’t need to reversal
I swapped Geyde and Eevee
Like hell i’m going to leave protecting our cop to someone else

That’s me!
I did that 3 nights in a row!

what’re you again


Hja is scum. Told when they were reading the page to claim if they were town or die. So we lynch that.

7v1 after lynching them. Pretty safe here.

Even if Frost is scum (which would make it 6v2), double wouldn’t put us out of commission (4v2). In most cases we are at 6v1.

ML anyone causes 5v1. Double -> 3v1. Important to note that a ML tomorrow would cause us to lose if scum!frost.

Current Townlocks:

  • Geyde (o hi that’s me o/)
  • htm
  • Marg (unless Hja flips Cheater)
  • Nerbs; most of the time


  • Frost (w/ Luxy)
  • Marl
  • Eevee

Lynch on Frost (if town) results in 5v2, which then becomes 4v2.

Lynch on Eevee (if town) results in possible 5v3, which then has the potential to be 3v3. Big danger here.

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Considering Maxi flipped shooter (w/ no night kills on n2 to boot), it is safe to assume that Frost was attacked, as there is nothing to support any other conclusion.


When ISOing this post threw me off. It doesn’t quite make sense. eh

It’s determinable (unless one of the thunderdome wants to state otherwise) that mechanically Frost HAD to have been attacked on n2 for there not to be a night kill.

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I should be not lynched in this thunderdome as HTM has proved me as exactly Brawler if I’m scum (spoiler, I’m not)

We should Lynch Hja today. If Nerbins doesn’t heal you we know he’s a baddie. Check Eevee
If he’s scum he’ll be exactly the shooter

I agree that’s why I think we don’t break this thunderdome today
Eevee can’t stop your check if he’s scum
Starting with hjasik is probably ideal

I can’t check tonight, unless I get sig.


If hjasik flips scum we can still risk lynching Eevee before frost though

I don’t really want to make Luxy lose for no reason

He’s cooperated very well

@Luxy @Frostwolf103 vote me for sig.


Frostwolf is basically conf!town

They are basically confirmed town.

Their sig just isn’t very helpful right now.

You’re basically full o shit

But i agree it’s hjasik then eevee
/vote Hja Hja Hja
