Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

Isn’t that the game?

That’s all scum

thats the joke


Give us the dream team flavor

My dudes quick hammering me was awful. And once I saw I was quick hammered I realized Eevee was scum

The Faces win

Honestly this game was swingy and very Town sided @BlueStorm mod rant go


No one picked up my soft that I knew Maximus was scum. And I got quick hammered before saying it

NK died quickly not really a good depiction of the game

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I had Eevee pinned as scum since Maxis flip

Also imo there should be 5 scum not 4

MVP for scum was Eevee by far

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Pkr killing Squid was harsh

Eevee did what they did best and BS the whole game. They did good

How did n4 happen? That was the main confusion I had

I had Maximus as scum d2.

Don’t ask me, I know NOTHING I had zero ideas how any interactions worked

I come home and I see I got quick hammered without me saying a word

it was so funny tbh


I’m gonna be honest, this did end up being mega-town-sided, I already know a couple of things I wanna do, namely in relation to class card clarity and toning down classes such as the Hybrid and Submissionist.

Also why you gotta kill off my best talkers N1 that hurt

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That was my worst play the entire match

Other than htm