Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

this isn’t the thread to do this.

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You saying my game is bastard after I put over 20 hours into really pisses me off.

It was literally firekitten vs about 10 BD and you lost. Saying you ‘led’ is laughable.

I already said it was a test run.


Tfw you literally have other FM games cause people to sign out. Keep your arguments in your own thread

Also tfw a game was probably worked on more then any other game and still can’t get filled.


salti boi

It’s really disappointing to see this arguing in my thread which, need I remind everyone, is my first EVER attempt at creating a Forum Mafia game.

I put a boatload of work into this and made sure that interactions would be as worked out as possible, so for people to come in with no intention of joining and instead starting arguments (about someone ELSE’s setup, no less!) is something I won’t tolerate for very long.

PKR, work out your differences with Luxy’s setup elsewhere, your tirade is not welcome here.

Those of you seeing this that have yet to join, please do join! It’d be lovely to have more people in to get this setup up and running!


What’s the total at? @BlueStorm

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14, I moved eevee in.

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I know I will regret this because too many game syndrome



Sorry :cry:

Bump, only 6 more needed


Don’t @ me



runs away

You shall pay for your insolence.


also runs away



Sorry @Geyde won’t do it again.

Sad. ;_;