Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

I am pretty sure someone claimed as Tweener so there won’t be 11 faces.

How do we know they aren’t a heel though

There are way too many to count and I have my own suspicions


I need info about Geyde’s action and hopefully the person he have been forced to target someone else will speak up too.

/vote Nerb

He is back on my suspicion list for sheeping a mostly meme wagon and I think he could be another scum class after connecting everything he has said

I got this feedback:

Someone tried redirecting your target.

As for why I used interpret on Squid it was to determine how many support players there were, considering they outed as Stooge (and when attacked, stooge switches sides)

In addition, Interpret doesn’t check abilities by the chosen player, only the abilities used ON them.

Hmm I see now, so no one was on the target you have been redirected to, is that you’re saying?

At least no one bothered to use ability that is not killing, investigative and such

That is what I’ve been saying.

Why did you not look at the class card for what I’ve been claiming before making accusations?

I think he was considering the possibility of Showboat faking Luchador

Although Luchador’s Unique, so if a Showboat rolled, I would expect them to be claiming something else

I did look at the card, but I interpreted it wrong.

No pun intended.


I don’t see a pun

Good pal.


this is how you upped your game?

Half-joking around here?

Still, fair shout about the unique.

Thank you Frost

but what do you think about the inactives?

I just got word from Blue that the feedback I got was Squid getting redirected

oh snap

so Squid was redirected onto PKR