Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

I don’t like this unexplained sheeping

I have to listen to my gut here

/vote Nerboi

No trust me my read on maxi is like mad good. It’s not sheeping go when you are voting scum

I’m sure it’s unexplained, Smarm.

@BlueStorm Vc bot


I didn’t see that before

I quickedited it before you posted your vote on me.

Vote Count

Max-Sam Nerbins Gamer (3/8)
Nerbins-Htm (1/8)


Gamer voted maxi my dude

Damnit FK, I was gonna make a witty remark about how your VC was wrong and then you corrected it.

Still my [Vote Count] looks better:

Accused Accuser Count
Maxi Sam, Gamer, Nerbins 3/8
Nerbins htm 1/8

Not really, the Classic version is the way to go.

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@Htm @eevee vote maxi

@frostwolf if you don’t vote maxi I consider you lock scum

Anyway I still think Nerboi’s scum

No wait for him to claim

Sam, name reasons why Maxi is suspicious.
HTM, name reasons why I am suspicious.

Maxi can only be 2 classes according to Eevee

so let him claim

He’s one of two things.
Eevee’s sig, remember?

I isoed maxi my dude

/vote Max

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Vote Count

Max-Sam Nerbins Gamer Livicus (4/8)
Nerbins-Htm (1/8)

Maxi is confirmed scum imo. Let’s just lynch him we already have a red check on him