Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

41 hours left


/vote Maxi

Vote Count

Max-Sam Nerbins Geyde Gamer Livicus (5/8)

this stuff just low key doesnā€™t appeal to me, which probably contributed to my inactiveness(also the fact that i forgot to put this on watching)

sorry : P

Donā€™t hammer when we have only discussed for about 7 hours

I really wanted to use this at a good time, but Iā€™m too impatient.

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still, mislynching the aerialist is pretty stupid ngl

Yeah when you arenā€™t salty means you are scum

Did Eevee confirm that Aeria was in his results?

If not we have to wait before we hammer

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Maximus is scum dw

No, they only said that Submissionist was in them

/unvote until Eevee responds

I like how Maxi suddenly stopped posting.
Was aerialist one of them?

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Iā€™m not risking the chance tho

flawed logic

Trust me and vote Maximus, you can honor me when Maximus flips scum

That logic became old a long while ago


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We arenā€™t hammering yet anyway

Why donā€™t you want to wait :eyes:

I am not unvoting because I donā€™t believe you.

Itā€™s because the quickhammer can happen, as seen with Bazā€™s lynch.

It just makes more suspicious of you.