Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

Let me get an alt

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Iā€™m sorry my life is really busy right now and I canā€™t commit to another game. D:
Thanks for asking though!

Do you want the last slot filled or no

By another human being, yes.

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What if I kidnap one if my friends

But Iā€™m not a human, Iā€™m a squid


Do we all leave now? If we arent humans?

@midonik16 join us :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

Iā€™m offended by this

Cats matter too

Scumkitten just join

I believe in blueā€™s hosting ability

Nah. Not joining.

Excuse me but nani the fuck is this?

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Yeah well Iā€™m the physical manifestation of moisture and unstable air, so really weā€™re all in the same boat.

Also if FK joined I wouldnā€™t have a co-host able to monitor non-VC activities.

FM thay you should join!

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Half naked muscular men forum mafia.



This one looks super complicated though and I couldnā€™t comprehend it after reading it for 3 minutes so probably not a good idea to join this

The roles are the complicated part and you donā€™t need to know them well.

All are welcome in the first edition of Forum Wrestling Federation.

Also if you have any issues or feel confused about anything, you can always ask me questions in your class card and I will be happy to clear things up for you :slight_smile: