Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

Well, there’s no proof Gamerpoke is Brawler but he’s close.

Why did you say this?

You did claim Manager to me, do you have to play dumb?

Yes I am your manager, I am confused to why you said that tho

Eh fair.

Who do you want me to vote?

My vote follows yours

There’s suppose to be discussion time about something else until Maxi gets lynched.

Well I gtg to bed soon

Well don’t worry about it.

Secondly, if Gamerpoke was Brawler then my redirection wouldn’t have worked.


Brawler is not redirect immune?

You can easily be lying

Where’s the proof of that?

Besides, Gamerpoke happens to claimed Powerhouse and is not immune to my switch ability.

So I hope you’re not trying to shade me, it will end bad for you.

Neither powerhouse nor brawler is immune to redirects ._.

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But I claim PH so it doesnt matter :grinning:

htm wanted me to interpret them.

They said it would confirm them. They proceeded to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with it.

Correction, Brawler can be immune only once.

Me in another hand can’t target the same people twice what is done at N2.

There’s no way I can lie around that.