Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!



Im too busy thonking to think

Just vote Livicus
Both scum and town have to vote him here

It would appear so

but I donā€™t vote myself

Livicus isnā€™t your contract
you shouldnā€™t have any qualms voting him luxy

Iā€™ll townread you in CiTJ

That has absolutely nothing to do with this

Back to seriousness.

You being lynched is nigh inevitable, and you arenā€™t putting up a legitimate defense other than hypothetical situations.

I want this lynch to be done sooner than later, mind you.

Time to hard bus livicus :^)
/vote livicus

Firekitten Vote Count :slight_smile:

Liviboi-Geyde Gamer Nerbins Morl Maxi Luxy (6/7)
Nerbins-Celeste (1/7)

Havenā€™t Casted A Vote
Eevee Htm Hjaisk Frost Livicus

Livicus is at L-1

Oh I meant that CITJ has nothing to do with this

I just want the wait to end. That was why I tried bribing.

@Htm @Margaret @eevee @Emilia @Frostwolf103 hammer Livicus

Check Eevee tonight.

I have a one-night cooldown on MM

@Htm Check eevee tonight

@Margaret pls just hammer this

@BlueStorm this is Majority + Plurality, correct?

Pretty sure itā€™s only majority

This isnā€™t on your contract