Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

Considering the redcheck on Livi along with the lack of logs from PKR, it is fairly safe to assume that Livi is true scum.

Let’s discuss that.

Didn’t he claim Luchados at one point?

According to you, he softed Striker

I’m fairly certain you refer to this, right?

That was a reply to a reply to me

Which was directed to me

Yes I see now

Still strikes me odd why he answer it for you

Multiple people answered that. I’m pretty sure htm did as well.

Now next question begs for it, who should I switch Margaret to?

Your ability works like cw tornado, correct?

It targets the second player and the second player targets the first.

That is proven when I did that with Margaret and Gamerpoke.

I don’t believe you can target Marg again with it on consecutive nights.

I’m pretty sure I am reading Hybrid correctly

Not when I use Margaret and Gamerpoke, I thought the host said that.

I forgot to use action last night anyway so it’s not ‘a row’

Honestly, not sure who you should use your ability on.

Honestly, I can’t sit still.

But if we manage to lunch one heel today, I let Margaret target and attack another heel, with success we lynch Margaret tomorrow

Should I hammer now?

We can have Gamer witch Marg into attacking Hja

Considering Shooter now has one time night immunity for the rest of the game.

Scumteam (in case Livi, who will, flips scum)

  • Livi (obviously)
  • Marg
  • Hja
  • Unknown last player

Not yet.

ok you can hammer, I’m getting bored

/vote Livicus

@Kirefitten @BlueStorm

When my hand :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: goes up, your mouth :lips: goes shut!

Flip incoming.