Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

Inb4 Frost was actually smart and asked blue

@BlueStorm Does strongarm visit two players? Or one?

Oh I did asked about something.

If you donā€™t trust me, @BlueStorm get here and clarify strongarm.

Itā€™s one-way bus driver - yes or no?

Donā€™t ask obscure questions, ask it plainly

Ask questions in your class card please


One-way bus driver, aka redirects visits from mafia to selected other player, while visiting them both.

If more than 1 people visited marl then yes itā€™s possible.

Not Marl, Livicius.

He targeted Livi and PKR and Lici was mafia.

Yet PKR canā€™t visit as submissionist and it make no sense for Marl to visit a Heel as Heel himself.

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Itā€™s not strategist, itā€™s bus driver.

I declared my intention clearly - I visited PKR and Livicus because I wanted to direct kills FROM PKR to Livicus because I was reading Livicus as scum

The odds of night kills targeting Livicus were near 0 so i was using it as a pseudo protective

You claim to swap PGO and SCUM.

Yes correct
Because I was trying to redirect night kills ONTO SCUM

I have been told how Switch on works, if you asked the same questions then donā€™t asking me how I know.

Comes back and sees more posts

Explain how you used your ultimate and why

Strongarm does visit both targets
but that doesnā€™t matter regardless
weā€™re in a thunderdome, Ici has no proven swaps and was even fake claiming for the majority of the game
Heā€™s our lynch tomorrow
today we hang maximus

Weā€™ll see, we can still vote for signature.