Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

And you went to me, when you got invest result?


Only mafia class wich can redirect is BRAWLER, and they have to redirect visits from other mafia to a person of theirs choice (one-way bus driver).

HOWEVER brawler canā€™t self-target, so looking that one already flipped, there would be one other brawler mafia AND ME claiming hybrid, wich is brawlerā€™s fakeclaim more or less.
Soooā€¦ 3 brawlers. Derp.

Other option is me being hybrid who just redirected your visit to yourself.

Wich sounds more logical?

Also, let me remind you, that you are only invest left here, so you had to visit yourself.

Marg was NS

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Give sig to me town.

You canā€™t be Hybrid.

Their ā€˜Tornadoā€™ canā€™t target self

Reversal does redirect stuff back to visitor.

The other ability.

It only redirects ā€˜negativeā€™ abilities

Waitā€¦ HTM is schemer, LOL.

Checking is inherently town. I call bullshit.

You canā€™t call bullshit, he claimed he was redirected to himself. Literaly.

You are Brawler who chose to redirect all players targeting you to htm

Iā€™m calling bullshit on your proposition that htm is schemer

Brawlers canā€™t self-target

ā€œAnyone targeting a heel of your choiceā€

Brawler is a heel. They can target themselves

Nearly no role can self target.

Ask Blue if you donā€™t believe me.

I am

If they say yes you are done for

I find it ridiculusly funny how much Marl is being sheeped in each game, and itā€™s usualy only me going against them.

And I usualy lose in persuasion, like in OW.

The reason Iā€™m pushing you is your defense of Maxi, and push of Sam with ā€˜mechanicalā€™ information that Maxi was aerialist despite you then changing your claim to Hybrid.