Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

^ Act like that was right

too many half naked men, I didnā€™t ask for my heterosexuality to be challenged.

I know.

Thatā€™s hammer, stop talk

Yes way.

Iā€™m not gonna be lynched when Iā€™m confirmed town.
Even via Marl being stupid

Also knight should cs :pray:


Le no talky time, flip incoming

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htm wasā€¦

They left the following:

htmā€™s Logs

Read my logs plzzzzzzz

HTM - Technician

N1: Scout Math - (unable to)
N2: Scout Marl - PKR and Livic (Marlā€™s confirmed as town from this)
N3: Scout Luxy - no one
N4: Pressure Eevee - Redirected, invest (redirected onto self?)
N5: Scout Eevee - (WILL I DIE? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ONā€¦)


Everyone left alive other than scumreads


Marg, Eevee.

The fact Eevee knew that Maxi could be shooter just feels soooo scummy. Itā€™s like he was trying to fake claim Techni but that didnā€™t work so he faked hybrid instead

Not sure about Marg as that sig could have been given to Marg to cause suspicion on her by scum. Though she did randomly quickhammer Samboi.

Neut confirmed:


Leave Luxy alone for now and focus on scum unless you are neuts out

Night 7 begins and will last 24 hours or until everyone has submitted their actions.

All night actions have been sent in.

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Nobody died.

The Signature Phase of Day 8 has begun, and will last 24 hours or until everyone has submitted their votes in their class card.

Who tried to kill Frostwolf >:(

Do you get a notification for that?

I occupied Eevee.


Lets lynch eevee

We got a sig phase first

Just give it to Frost

I am here, what was just that Geyde.

Did you just lied about not able to visit me by Luxy the day before?

Everyone give signature to Frost

I said I was prevented from visiting you, which Luxy then confirmed