Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

Well guess what, I’m not buying your self meta Bazing

You can do the same thing as scum -_-


Lots of them. I think Luxy is scum. If Bazinga town pings me a Luxy wagon imho would be good.


Nah. Noz is town Luxy needs rope.

MathBlade you dissapoint me

I called that this game would be over by end of day three, work faster

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My priority is beyond a shadow of a doubt Bazing.
I know who is next on my list but I’ll keep it hidden and potentially take it to my grave

Potential 2nd neut

Noz, even then, doesn’t read nk

If Noz is neut then he’s the NK cough cough

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I am thinking Noz is town here.

So is it a neut slip or not?

Uhhhhhhhhh, how?

I have stated that as scum I would have attempted to kill you and convert you myself. Mathblade always tries to read me socially which is, quite frankly, impossible as I am too high EQ of a player to make a social slip. You have to analyze my intent and actions


I don’t think it is.

And I have a proven track record of neut slips XD (see Squid :P)

Someone commented about my ego earlier but seriously, you’re speaking like you’ve played amazingly whereas all you’ve done is make me sure you ain’t flipping town

Find a game I mislynched you.


Did you forget NFoL1? He was obviously butler

A broken clock is right twice a day

I didn’t say mislynch, I said lynch for the wrong reasons