Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

If you are making an accusation, you should probably have a reason to do so.

I can’t get rid of prior tells, so anything incriminating still exists. And considering you’ve already made up your mind that I’m scum, I cannot help but ask what pieces got you there.

You are calling me a guaranteed scum here.


Hi town <3

Wanna join my block?

I do have a reason but that doesn’t mean I have to state it, especially since I will be lynched anyway. My allegiance will be proof enough that you are scum. I am 85% sure of it

If you don’t state a reason or try no one will care. But then again hey you’re scum and are now lolcatting/no effort posting. So huzzah.

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If you flip town (Which I highly highly doubt), I am literally ignoring everything you have said

I am back and have something to say.

If bazinga wasnt correct and geyde was town why would geyde care about what lockscum has to say. seems like over self-consciousness

It’s best to have people explain reads so you can look for associations in them post mortem in these games.
It’s like having a portable priest but instead of us having to suffer twice we have the info beforehand and can recover every other day

From OW mafia I’ve proven myself to be overconscious, challenging each and every slightly negative read made on me.

If Bazinga flips town, I want there to be no reason for wasted checks on me

Don’t talk ongoing please if OW stands for overwatch

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So you’re saying I can be revived?

Pshhhh. Thankfully not.
We have no priest here.
So you need to give out all info before EoD

What are you referring to with ‘ongoing’?

I don’t exactly understand what you are saying.

It’s bad form to speak about games that are still in progress as it may bias the players playing them.

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If a game is in progress it is ongoing.

This game for example is ongoing.

If a game has a victor it is not ongoing.

Commenting on ongoing games is damaging because of cross impact.

Alice defend me you scum you know I’m town I didn’t even know you were in the game

I see. I won’t mention an ongoing game again.

I apologize

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If you’re town why can’t you defend yourself or give any sort of reads? Why ask Alice to do it for you?

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Are you ok bazinga?

Alice got baited into unconsciously replying into a non-game relevant post as a lurking scum

It happens sometimes with new players. Just be cautious in general and you should be fine. I am glad new players are here. :slight_smile:

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