Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

One hundred percent Rampage was used.

But how was Nozā€™ immunity bypassed?

Also, I assume Squid was vigged due to the lack of deathnote plus hardclaiming neut.
Or they suicided since NK died.

You tell me I donā€™t know?

OK, so thatā€™s what happened.
I just asked Blue if they kill them-self if their win condition is impossible.
He said yes to prevent kingmaking.
Whatā€™s kingmaking?

Seems like PKR is wrong.

Never mind, googled it.

About what?
He was right that Noz was a neut.

Well about Squid, being neutral siding with town.

Priority number one:
How did Noz die?


Nothing other than Submissionist wouldā€™ve killed Noz

unless the Heels have some sort of immunity bypassing thing?

OH wait, Noz probably rampaged on Squid, and then Mathblade and Midonik visited Squid, dying to Rampage, and thatā€™s how Math has 2 deathnotes

but then the submissionist wouldā€™ve died too

And didnā€™t PKR also claim to planning on visiting Squid? What happened to that?

Mhm thatā€™s odd.

Also yes, you three just suddenly rose up out of nowhere and quickhammered Baz

whatā€™s your reason for hammering, Frost?

You have something with Poke and Nerbins?

Because he was at L-3 and then within 20 minutes he was dead

I wasnā€™t planning on hammering him.

And claiming investigative no less.

@Livicus I have been reading Baz posts and I agree with PKRā€™s reasoning

None at all.