Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

–> Chaotic <–

Yeah, I know.
Noz died.
Squid thus suicided due to being chaotic stooge.
That would explain the lack of death note.

I’m missing something aren’t I?

You start as Obedient Stooge and becomoe chaotic only if NK attacks you.

Ok. So Noz attacked Squid. Squid became CS. Noz died and thus Squid died.
Did I miss anything.

Noz had to visit PKR to die last night.

I never said that he didn’t.
Wait hang on.

So how did he attack Squid?

Yeah, I realized.

Can chaotic stooge just begin as chaotic stooge?

Noz had to use rampage.

Squid walkied into rampage and converted into CS.

And not have to begin as the good one?

No, they can’t

No duh they had to use rampage.

The Stooge will always start as Obedient.

So Squid not dying mean he was healed from Submissionist.

Aka Tag Teamer healed them.

Ok. I got it.
Squid started as OS. Noz inadvertently attacked them, converting her to CS. Squid walked into Submissionist attack and didn’t die because tag teamer healed her. Noz died and thus she committed suicide.


Thanks, Mr. Eevee!
Do I get a gold star? :D

Geyde claimed to visit Squid last night also.