Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

@Emilia wut happened to our majesty gamethrower :thinking:

The same as Math, I see.

Hjasik didnā€™t seem to have voted at all, but hereā€™s the following:

Geyde claims Luchados (Whatever your spell it), PKR is the vet one.

So thatā€™s two Faces confirmed, Alice and Math died so they donā€™t count towards the remaining face claims, 8 claims to go. Someone can redirect to target another and et cetera and apparently saved Geydeā€™s life from being rampaged - seems like Face action me so thatā€™s 7 claims remaining.

Livicus, Luxy, Celeste, Nerbins, myself are unclaimed and I believe Gamerpoke was the second Tweener so perhaps that random slot where tweener or face can spawn is taken until someome counterclaims thatā€™s it.

So as I said before, way too many to make accurate judgement who the remaining faces and heels are.

@Geyde I need you to interpret me plz

Anyone voting frost is an idiot

/vote the frostwolf


No itā€™s alright, I can defend myself and pretty much said it was mundane.

Vote actual scum aka Livicus instead

Something that didnā€™t caught my eye?

Why is he scum?

I am not voting Livic for a meme reason

Vote Nerboi since he is a lot more scummier then Livic

My reason isnā€™t a meme itā€™s the whole truth

Vote him unless you wanna get voted instead :gun:


gimme an actual reason first

Is it because he voted Baz and is trying to blame it on the quickhammering?

That is legit reason but whatā€™s the follow up.

The follow up is heā€™s scum and should die

I mean the next steps.

Fine I will vote him later but not now

We still have time

What would come out of me saying Iā€™m not scum?

That you are being LAMIST?