Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!


I will pocket this info

Give actual quotes

I am keeping my vote on Hja due to inactivity.
Iā€™m apparently impossible to read, so I suggest an invest on me.
By the way, the threat of me being shot is an empty threat since Strikerā€™s targets donā€™t die if they are town.

Nerb scumslipped

as town you wouldnā€™t want invests to check you as thatā€™s a waste

ez win.

Also @Sam17z iā€™m not sure whether you are using the most obvi pressuring or scum trying to get a loweffort ez mislunch

Vote Count

Target Voters Count
Hjaisk Geyde livicus htm Luxy 4/8
Livicus PKR Marl 2/8
Htm Celeste Sam 2/8

Why are we voting a person who most likely wonā€™t respond and most likely will be modkilled.

/vote @Margaret

I remember you saying that you have some probable information from last night but you didnā€™t follow up on that.
Was it a reaction test and if yes then on whom?

If you said something, going halway isā€¦ ehhhā€¦ Either you say stuff or you donā€™t.

/Vote Margaret

Now Eevee said it, I want her to spill that info.

Being a VC bot doesnā€™t make you exempt from angleshooting.


Is anyone around

Hi yes
My vote on Livicus isnā€™t moving

because he is obvious scum

Livicusā€™s wagon was super fast earlier tho

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What Marl try to say is that Livicus is scum from trying to get one of the voters of Baz lynched, especially that hammered in matter of 10 minutes - however Livicus himself is also voter on Bazā€™s wagon so thatā€™s not the best way to push in my honest opinion.

We still got 7 if not 8 Faces against 4 heelers that are not confirmed yet.

Frostwolf who do you think is scum?

Hard to say, mostly inactives arenā€™t talking (but you gotta respect their lives).

I donā€™t believe Livi is scum persay, heā€™s more of null to me.

Ehm, I didnā€™t angleshoot?

I mean, voting an inactive person is waste of time, since wonā€™t get anything from it anyway.

Pressuring someone who ahs chance of answering is always better.

I didnā€™t use any external knowledge here.

Youā€™re relying on modkills to eliminate people. Donā€™t do that.