Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

We need poke to ask that. probably

Anyone can but I still did :grinning:

So from what I get, strongarm will still redirect the attack

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So we shouldnā€™t do that then.

Note that I called the potential of that out (self-conscious)

Why canā€™t we just get Luxy and block Maxi if Eevee confirms him as scum?

No we lynch maxi. And block luxy

Also we donā€™t know if maxi will become the killer them probs not

No way too risky

No itā€™s not. I am 98% sure maxi will flip scum

Fine how about this?

Shoot Maxi, Lynch Luxy, Block Hja

Nope, Nerbins might be redirected

Block Luxy and protect Eevee. I donā€™t care if I die tonight I am legit useless

Blocking Luxy wonā€™t work though

It will devote scums resources and it might work. So how would blocking maxi work? Or blocking hjasik if they are scum your plan is flawed

Follow my plan to victory my dude

Is there any dead person Geyde can use?

Wait what if both Geyde and Poke block Luxy tonight

Canā€™t redirect both (I think)

Who is she?


What is Geyed?

And cheater/brawler can block visits