Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

I noted that. Originally was ‘the most scummy thing I’ve seen all day’.

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I mean I rolled Prince before hand

Not till they claim.
I have a check on them wich can easily confirm/deny stuff.

No, I know he is one of 2 roles ans want them to claim.

Stop editing my words.

is livicus your red check

Wait, how do you know one of results was shooter?

They did

they are Area

(also can’t believe I woke up in the middle of the night)

Confirm them as scum or town so I can go back to sleep plz

Max is aerialist, workhorse or shooter.

Considering they claim aerialist and Luxy is probably shooter, that"s truth.

That’s also the reason why voting them was bad idea. Since if they are shooter, there is no real explenation for lack of kill.

Oh yea, I lied about Sub to make them more nervous.

Luxy’s manager

Luxy has manager?

No he is manager

also /vote Sam for trying to mislunch quick

(good night)

On whom?

Luxy claims to be my Manager

Manager can only visit you or not visit at all, right?

Very limited claim with 2 technicians left in the game.

Only me, he prevent visits to me.

Since Gamerpoke claimed to have occupied Luxy which is possible to occupy Manager but cannot be redirected no matter what

So that means Luxy couldn’t able to protect me that night that stopped the kill but it couldn’t hurt to occupy Luxy again.

Unless Gamerpoke’s occupy didn’t happen at all

Ah I see he’s not immune to that.