Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

Shooter doesn’t seem that good, though.

I voted maximus sometime back there

@Margaret u good girl or bad girl

I’m a bad girl

I haven’t been useful even though I wish I was


Well that would ruin the fun of being scum

Did u just claim scum?

y e s

My guy isn’t buff like everyone else

Hence im the odd one out

Hence im scum

Shooting Marg.
I’ll probably be redirected so observer person see who I visit to confirm someone as town.

Luxy: Professional Scumhunter

Celeste hammer maxi isn’t it your favorite thing to do

Okay damn, I’m the Workhorse

Its not hammer, 6/8

7/8 go check

It’s 7/8

I think I may or may not have votes incorrect

Let me check

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Any other questions about my terrible life as a underweight wrestler?

That would ruin the fun Nerby

Celeste isn’t doctor your go to scum claim?

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