Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the debut season of Forum Wrestling Federation!
Lead Commentator (Host): BlueStorm
Colour Commentators (Co-hosts): @eevee @Reinforced_Concrete1
- Face=Town, Heel=Mafia, Tweener=Neutral
= Unique
- Each Face/Heel/Tweener Killing class has a “Signature” ability or passive that is unavailable at the start, but can be accessed by being voted to receive said ability during the Signature phase.
- Each day will have a Lynch Phase, and on even days (D2, D4, D6 etc) there will be a Signature Phase before the Lynch Phase to decide which person gets their Signature unlocked, this is done by typing /sig NameHere into your class card (or Heel chat if applicable). The person with the highest votes gets access to their Signature ability.
- Signature Phases last 24 hours, or until everyone has submitted their votes.
- You can vote for yourself to receive a Signature.
- You cannot vote someone up that has already been voted to receive a Signature. This means that if on D2 Johnny was majority voted to receive a Signature, he could not be voted up to receive another one on D4.
- In the event that a person is chosen to receive a Signature, and that person’s class does not have one to be unlocked, you will not be told this. You will only ever be given confirmation that someone has been given votes by majority to receive a Signature, regardless of whether or not that person actually has one to use.
- Someone will always receive a Signature, and if there are no votes or if the vote is a tie then it will be decided by RNG.
- Lynch Phases last 48 hours, or until a majority is reached.
- During the Lynch Phase, everyone may vote for a person to be lynched. Once the majority has voted said person, they will be lynched.
- If your class has a Day Ability, you may activate it during this phase only, by submitting your action through your class card (or Heel chat if applicable). Any Day Abilities that are submitted during the Signature Phase will take effect immediately at the start of that day’s Lynch Phase.
- Night Phases last 24 hours, or until everyone has submitted their action(s).
- During the Night Phases, you may submit your actions through your class card (or Heel chat if applicable).
- You may not target yourself with abilities, or force other people to target themselves, unless your ability states that you can.
- You may use no more than one Day Ability each day and one Night Ability each night, unless your class card states that you can.
- As previously stated, the Heels will have a private Day/Night chat.
- The most recent version of your logs will be shown when you die.
- You may submit Deathnotes in text or picture-based form alongside your killing Ability. This includes any Day Ability that may result in a death.
- There can be a maximum of 3 of each non-unique class.
- If two abilities would conflict with each other, their effects are cancelled.
- There will be limited feedback. Most classes will only receive a message saying, “Your sleep went undisturbed” or “You have died”. If you receive an Injury during the Day or Night, you will be notified with the message, “You have been injured! You will die in 1/2 night(s) if not Alleviated!” The following list details possible exceptions:
Feedback Exceptions
If an Investigative Ability is redirected - Your target was changed.
If an Investigative Ability is occupied - You were unable to collect results.
The Aerialist (Pinpoint/Play The Tape - Face/Tweener) - Your target is Not Suspicious.
The Aerialist (Pinpoint/Play The Tape - Heel/Smark) - Your target is a Heel!
The Aerialist (Bird’s Eye - No Attack/Indirect Attack) - Your target did not attack anyone.
The Aerialist (Bird’s Eye - Direct Attack/Controlled to Attack by Traitor) - Your target attacked someone!
The Hybrid (Background Check - Redirect a Heel) - You changed a Heel’s target!
The Luchador/The Showboat (Interpret/Instigate)
(Target was blocked/attempted) - Someone tried blocking your target.
(Target was redirected/attempted) - Someone tried redirecting your target.
(Target was Alleviated, no Injury) - Your target didn’t have an Injury to remove.
(Target was Alleviated, with Injury) - Your target’s Injury was removed.
(Target was Injured and died that night) - Your target died to their injuries!
(Target was framed) - Your target was framed!
(Target was Obsessed by a Rival, not a Nemesis) - Your target is NOT the Rival’s Nemesis.
(Target was Obsessed by a Rival, is a Nemesis) - Your target is the Rival’s Nemesis!
(Target was Covered-Up by a Smark) - Your target was hidden from investigative abilities.
The Technician/The Smark (Scout/Browse Forums - Visited) - Your target visited NameHere!
The Technician/The Smark (Scout/Browse Forums - Target Self/No Action) - Your target didn’t visit anyone.
The Technician/The Schemer (Scout - Expert Analysis/Stalk, Was Visited) - Name(s)Here visited your target!
The Technician/The Schemer (Scout - Expert Analysis/Stalk, Was Not Visited) - Nobody visited your target.
The Technician/The Schemer/The Rival (Pressure/Manipulate/Obsess) - Your target’s class type is (ClassType).
The Technician (Pressure - Expert Analysis) - Your target could be (PossibleClass1), (PossibleClass2), or (PossibleClass3).
The Workhorse/The Giant/The Supernatural/The Traitor (Attempted to be Injured) - Someone attempted to Injure you, but you are immune.
The Schemer (Wiretap) - (NameHere1) is (ClassOfNameHere1). (NameHere2) is (ClassOfNameHere2).
The Jobber/The Supernatural (Know Your Role/Fires of Kane: Douse) - (NameHere) is (ClassOfNameHere).
The Rival (Obsess, Not Your Nemesis) - (NameHere) is NOT a Nemesis.
The Rival (Obsess, a Nemesis) - (NameHere) is a Nemesis!
Direct Attacks vs Indirect Attacks
Direct Attacks:
- Can be seen by classes that would allow you to see who a person visits
- Can be seen by classes that would detect if someone attacks
- Do not bypass death immunity
Indirect Attacks:
- Cannot be seen by classes that would allow you to see who a person visits
- Cannot be seen by classes that would detect if someone attacks
- Bypasses death immunity
Other Interactions
- If the Luchador is prevented from performing their ability, the dead person affected by Enthrall Dead will be prevented as well.
- Players gain occupy and redirection immunity after being occupied, redirected, or otherwise prevented three times.
- Reversal will always redirect the visitor back to themselves, regardless of swaps.
- The Rival will be informed if one of their Nemeses dies.
- If The Tag Teamer uses Double Duty on a target that visits them, the Tag Teamer will not be protected from direct attacks.
- Self-targeting abilities cannot be redirected.
- The Luchador/Showboat will not be given feedback for a separate Luchador/Showboat using Interpret/Instigate on their target.
- The Traitor’s Paranoia will not reverse the effect of frames or mindwarps.
- If the Rival or Jobber complete their goals before the game is over, if the Chaotic Stooge is alive but the Tweener Killing dies, or if the Manager’s target dies and they are still alive, they will “leave” the corresponding night to prevent kingmaker scenarios.
Factions and Class Cards
The Stooge
Tweener Killings
Random Face
Random Face
Random Face
Random Face
Random Face
Random Face
Random Face
Random Face
Random Face
Random Face
Random Face
Random Face
Random Face
Random Face
Random Face/Random Tweener Non-Killing
Random Tweener Non-Killing
Tweener Killing
Random Heel
Random Heel
Random Heel
- Luxy
Noz_BugzGiant N1 -
AliceAerialist N1 -
Sam17zAerialist D3 -
GamerPokePowerhouse N5 - Margaret
hjasikCheater D6 -
MarluxionHybrid N6 -
PokemonKidRyanSubmissionist N3 -
WazzaAzzaWorkhorse Modkilled N3 - eevee
MaximusPrimeShooter D5 -
PoisonedSquidChaotic Stooge N1 - Nerbins
MathBladePowerhouse N1 - Geyde
bazingaboyTag Teamer D1 -
LivicusBrawler D4 -
htmTechnician D7 - Frostwolf103
midonik16Technician N1
- Insanity
- Pug
- Marcus_Doodalee