Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

i know that im asking for a follow if theres an observer so it proves im going to heal celeste

Checking wolves is class type is fine but when it flips Invest special he dies

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MM doesnt have immunity to occupation in FoL check class card so thats unnecessary to try and follow

If it does indeed turn up Special then rest in peace Tech.

fair enough since i cant be a scorned target and if i recall correctly theres no unseen class that changes a invest result

If there was it would make it K/O which would instantly be false cuz druid is occ immune

Tick tock the Frost is in the clock. Now 11 hours and 20 minutes till voting.

and remember im dead if celeste dies unless i got occed and my class type shows up as support/social

Tech is my favorite alch and my one and only team mate


I trust no Blue Dragon nor Unseen/Cult i trust no killer nor those with social status. I gave up mine for the alcohol I could drink yet I cant run away from my nobility. From birth i was cursed.

You claiming Unseen because last time I checked BD and Mastermind are not teammates.

Tech is probs fine. He’s our only Healer claim, so it’s risky to kill him.


sam we could have someone check celeste the night they stopped showing up as bd/ns

Also #AlchLivesMatter


Just saying ull see the change to Alcoholic from Drunkard

We have 3 phys claims and 1 arch claim what do you mean only 1 healer claim?

Frostwolf103 - Physician
Hippolytus - Physician
Celeste_Lundenberg - Drunk
NozBugz - Princess
Vulgard - ¿
Sam17z - Sheriff???
Damafaud - ¿
orangeandblack5 -Umm…
NightX - Squire
Insanity - ???
techwolves - Alchemist/ Can’t be Druid
Parfait - Physician
Marluxion - Maid
eevee - Mercenary for Orange
Braixen -
Moleland - King ???

NightX claiming assasin in the trio

Oops. Nvm I’m braindead

Still, every Healer is good for us

Not when they fake claim healer and is MM or sides with the Unseen. If he is alchemist and we kill him no harm no foul, but if we kill him and he is mm big gains.

3 things one we could have a sheriff check me 2 we can check my class type 3 if celeste dies im dead if my class type is special invest