Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

Parfait is 100% scum from the way he is acting. I don’t know if Frost is or not, the wagon on him grew very quick and it is possible to have 2.

Executing me loses healer!

Don’t be jerk.


Two Nobles.


Sherif, Hunter and any other invests can all visit me. I will visit Noz to prove aswell.

@Marluxion - tbh, I didn’t claim I’m not a merc, just that I’m not a merc to Orange. Duh.

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Why does having 2 nobles effect the number of phsycicans lol that is not how it works

I dont believe you are healer nor do i care if you are. Tech is the only healer claim I semitrust and thats cuz he didnt yolobomb n1

Second non-unique claim, once there’s two Nobles then there’s no two Physicians.

Nice try Druid.

Cuz frost could still be Druid for all I know

So you’re sticking to the Merc claim then? Why has nobody spoken up about being guarded then? Surely they’d try to point out that the number of neutrals didn’t add up.

A) That is not a rule and has never been a rule mate.
B) Are you high?


Because someone said Orange is guarded.

Stop trying, scum.

Stop trying.

Pretty sure
No, 100% sure that you’re speaking nonsense.

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mfw Marl still hasnt figured out the eevee situation

You weren’t so sure about Fool+Merc situation and I point it out it’s not possible, that wasn’t nonsense!

Elaborate then, oh omnipotent one!

btw @techwolves is healing me, so go debauch a killer @Margaret

Okay, so why havent I tried to debauch the merc