Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

Vulgard and Insanity are compatible.

Neither of them have vines.

That tbh

That is actually very useful. One of them is probably TK as they can’t both be royal.

@Marluxion mm mhm, I trust you.

@Insanity if you are hunter Wolf me plox.

You trusting me or not trusting me won’t change my vote or impact my decision in any way.

What makes you say this? I’ve been coming up with a role list for a custom game I plan to host later, and as I see the thousand or so notifications, check in on what’s happening. Upon my first message, I’m pressured into claiming, immediately counterclaimed by frost and scumread by the vast majority of people. Can someone explain what I’m doing wrong, or is this just a PL?

@orangeandblack5 - notice me senpai.

Unseen are replacable

Druid is not and drops the KPN by 1 permanently.

I’d consider that higher priority.

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Either way, this proves Vulgard is not vined by me - therefore proved I am not Druid.

That’s a valid point, but the druid needs to vine first. Also I’m more concerned with finding the druid since i’m the best class at doing it, so tbh i’m a tad biased.

Which means it’ll be stupid obvious if he was lying imo

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I wouldnt be surprised if Vul is unseen and therefore Insanity too :woman_shrugging:

I know one of you or Frost has to be scum and Frost is acting like an incredibly stupid townie therefore I know you are scum. I phrased it wrong, it is not that you have been very scummy, it is that Frost has acted more townie than you and I know at least one of you are scum.

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The Mastermind would conflict against Assassin early days, so.

Interesting thought though.

You do realize the odds of me checking two unseen night 1 are CATACLYSMICALLY low right?

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It’s impossible lol


MM and assassin aren’t compatible and invests happen before converts.
